Tove Jansson's illustrations: »1946 Literatur Konst Teater«

Please consider the following:

Title page:

For the text »Sommaren och Skuggarna« (»The summer and the shadows«) by Jan-Magnus Jansson:

For the text »Nattregn över Karasaki« (»Night rain over Karasaki«) by Ulla Olin:

For the poem »Den likgiltige« (»The unheeding«) by Claude J. Allan:

For the poem »Gryning« (»Dawn«) by Robert Desnos:

For the poem »Den sovande kvinnan« (»The sleeping woman«) by Roger Richard:

For the text »Allt som förut« (»Everything as before«) by Carl-Frederik Sandelin:

For the poem »Junidagar« (»Days in June«) by Heli Parland:

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